Allergies and Chiropractic

Now that spring is showing its face in Northern Nevada, so are the spring and summer related allergies. So, I thought this would be the perfect time to discuss how chiropractic care can help you to enjoy all of the things you love about this season.

Common But Not Normal

Allergies are quite common and are one of the most bothersome of seasonal conditions. But allergies are not normal to the body system. Allergies are a sign that the body is stressed by outside influences such as pollens, airborne chemicals, dust, etc... One of the most common allergies is hay fever, or allergic rhinitis. Hay fever is thought to affect over 30% of the population in one form or another. Hay fever occurs when the body overproduces histamine, which is an organic chemical neurotransmitter, in response to these airborne influences, called allergens. This is why the treatment recommended is usually an antihistamine. The problem with antihistamines is that the body makes more histamine in response to it, which is why you have to keep taking more of it–creating a vicious cycle. An additional concern with antihistamines are the side-affects they often produce--drowsiness, increased thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, bladder problems, constipation, or worse! 

Chiropractic to the Rescue

Medical researchers have found a link between the body’s central nervous system and the immune system. The central nervous system controls and regulates every function of the body, including histamine production - by the white blood cells. Findings indicate that chiropractic adjustments, through sympathetic nerve activity, release immune regulatory cells into the body, which increase your defense against allergies and illness.

When your vertebrae are out of alignment, they can offend and irritate the same nerves they were designed to protect - resulting in a subluxation of the spine. If the irritated nerves are involved or associated with your immune response and histamine production, you can have abnormal reactions - such as hay fever. Regular chiropractic visits can assist you with maintaining a healthy immune system and restore the balance of your nervous system.

Children and Allergies

I often assist children and infants, as well as adults, in turning their allergic and other condition-related nervous system/histamine production imbalances around. Children often respond quicker than adults with similar allergic reactions. Chiropractic does not treat those allergies. What chiropractors do is open those little vertebraes where the nerves go to the lungs and sinuses and to immune system organs, like the spleen and thymus gland, and clear any blockages at the musculoskeletal/nervous system level. Over time, we see the body strengthening enough to where they may outgrow their allergies.

Related Conditions

Related conditions, such as asthma, digestion problems and toxic body systems are often seen as secondary conditions when individuals suffer from allergies. These conditions generally, and sometimes, dramatically, improve with the chiropractic care, as well. It is wonderful to see the changes - from sniffles and coughs and runny red eyes to a person who is not afraid to go outside and enjoy our wonderful Sierra Mt. weather. 

Additional Assistance

Individuals sometimes benefit with assistance for resistant allergies with additional services, along with the expert chiropractic care that we offer in the office. Scores of patients have received the help they were looking for with our state-of-the-art detox foot baths, desensitization of the allergens with the use of radionic vials and advanced cold level laser equipment, and other advanced allergy relief "tools." Supplements to improve the function of organ systems and for detoxification are available, as well. Services offered as additional tools beyond chiropractic care are often a way to finally solidify any of the changes created by the chiropractic care and provide relief and support to the nervous system and the whole body.

Give the office a call at 777-852-8000 to discuss your individualized care.

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8:00 am - 5:30 pm




8:00 am - 5:30 pm


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8:00 am - 5:30 pm
8:00 am - 5:30 pm
8:00 am - 5:30 pm


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